I’ve always dreamed of a centralized hub for all things S1gns Of L1fe…and now it’s finally here! Can you tell I’m excited? This is a big deal. Not only can you access everything you need in the S1gns Of L1fe universe is one place, but this ambient blog will be a place I can mirror my thoughts from my already extremely active Patreon page and you guys can follow along, get inspired, and keep up to date with everything S1gns Of L1fe.

A couple notes about the content here - we’ve got a content tab, where you can browse all of my services such as music production, sound design, and video production, as well as a booking page. Even if you aren’t an active client or are wishing to take ambient coaching with me, you can book time with me with no initial cost! I strongly believe that there shouldn’t be a paywall if you are already ready to commit but just need to find out if what I do is the right fit for you.

We’ve also got a merch tab with all of the available products from my merch partners. These are external links, and for the initial launch phase, the cart system on the website will be used for free stuff only. Over time, I hope to add integrated merch items as more integrations become available. For now, utilize those external partners and enjoy those new merch items we’ve got at launch! I’m super happy with the way our rebrand logo turned out and I can’t wait to see you guys rocking the new merch.

Finally, if you’ve read this far…thank you for being here. I appreciate your enthusiasm for what I do and I can’t say that enough. Being a music producer and content creator is often a solitary endeavor. If you’d like to leave me feedback, or just want to say hi don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact me button on the top right. I love hearing from you guys! Cheers to you and stay tuned for more updates…we’re just getting started!


3 Habits of Successful Producers